What type of skincare do you use when you still express bm?
I have been avoiding skincare since i know i am pregnant as I'm too lazy to find out whether the ingredients will affect the baby (eg. Eczema? As I have had episodes of it since I was young). I resumed make up and skincare after i stop breastfeeding for my no. 1 but i dont want to stop skincare like the past esp if there are parties or house visiting during festive periods. #makeup #skincare #pregnancy
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Hello everyone, This is my third baby, currently in second trimester turning third in a few weeks. My #1 & #2 was given birth at a private hospital (Mount A & Parkway East) and now that i have #3 , financial is getting a little tight so i went to KKH subsidies now but i’ve heard many horror stories through friends giving birth at subsidies KKH (many interns watching u give birth, epidural not injected properly) so i thought of switching to KKH Private but i have 3 recommendation right now and i dont know which one to go for so would like to hear more from fellow mummies / daddies! 1. Prof John Tee Chee Seng 2. Dr Serene Thain Pei Ting 3. Dr Sim Wen Shan Also, if anyone can share your experience with the bills and all would be good! I’m planning to go for natural birth but my doctor said my placenta is low so hopefully can go for natural… Thanks everyone in advance! 🙏🏻
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Persistent coughing at night at week 23
I’ve been experiencing persistent cough at night for a few weeks and it’s disrupting my sleep. Wondering if any other mummy experience the same? I’ve checked with the gynae and he say it’s probably nasal congestion causing backdrip since it’s only during the night. Any remedies or suggestion to cope with this :( I’m afraid this is affecting my baby. #Needadvice
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I don't feel much back pain or nausea for 2 days. Only morning nausea. I mean at night I do get leg cramps. This morning I had a sharp pain on my right side. When I rub my belly, I can still feel hardness. I am worried,i don't feel hungry. Usually I will wake up at around 8 am,would feel hungry needing to drink some milk and crackers. #firsttimemom
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