Not eating one whole day
Hi , was just wondering if i just took bf only and never eat for lunch and dinner cos was busy and no time, will it affect the baby? just baby hev no food....currently at 22 weeks...

Advisable to eat all your meals. I’m not so sure how badly it will affect the baby. I do fast during my pregnancy (fasting month when I’m about 4months). However my gynae advised me not to fast (but I still do). Baby came out fine and heathy!
Dont forget your prenatals and drink enough water. My gynae said your baby can’t go hungry but he will be affected if he’s not hydrated properly. Skipping your meal once in a while is fine. Just be mindful of gastric esp if you have a history of one
I think its fine. I skipped yesterdays dinner bec I was so bloated and had indigestion bec apprntly my stomach now is closer to my throat Hahahaha. But do eat small portion of biscuit if you can
The baby will be taking in nutrients from you. So it's important you eat timely as well as healthy. Try not to skip meals. If you are busy have some light snacks like nuts or healthy bars.
Just 1 day or everyday? If just one day should be fine but if it’s everyday, I think you gotta think of something :)
just 1 day dear
eat as much as you can for your baby's nourishment
i have at least a meal a day... please take care
Best not to skip meals take care!
Mummy to be