Hi. Until what age shld i expose my baby to mrng sun?

Hi, Morning Sun rays are always good for as long as you do it. It is not only good for babies but for you as well. It is natural source of Vitamin D. Children who have jaundice after they are born are advised to be kept under morning Sun till the deficiency is gone. But make sure that you do not keep them directly under the rays and keep them probably by the window pane from where the Sun rays are not coming directly, as it can irritate the baby's skin as well.
Magbasa paNow days people hardly go under the Sun fearing the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays. But morning rays are good source of Vitamin D, and should be good for baby's growth. But you have to be sure to let him be out during the morning or evening at the time it is good and not vary the timings. It should be around 7 to 8am for 10 to 15 minutes. http://just-share4u.blogspot.in/2011/07/bask-15-minutes-in-morning-will-give-so.html
Magbasa paThanks π
I talked to a nutritionist and she told me that aside from food and water, sunlight helps kids grow and there's no limit in terms of age. Just make sure that you'll only sun bathe until 9am so it's not harsh on skin.
Noted π
Every person needs sun light as we all know it's the primary source of vitamin e for healthy skin. But make sure you only expose your skin before 8am to avoid radiation and sun burns.
Until they're grown ups. We, ourselves, need it. Just don't stay outside when the sun is too hot already. Max is until 8-9am.
Got it π
No limit naman ang pagbilad sa early morning sun. Even adults, advisable magpaaraw because it's a source of Vitamin D.
Thanks π