2 Replies

i had 1:22 risk of T21 in FTS. NIPT came clear for all 3 trisomies. declined amnio at 12 weeks. at 21 weeks anomaly scan shows enlarged ventricle at 10.5mm.. did amnio and found out there was huge issue in chromosome. some part of chromosome 2 got deleted and 1 strand in chromosome 14 was missing.. we decided to terminate because it would have a huge quality of lifestyle impact to the kid. i miss my baby boy very very much...

Hihi, I also only did FTS as I’m not eligible for Down syndrome bloodwork. According to my gynae, from scans usually it is 75-80% accurate. (Bloodwork is 90-99%). So I think that person just happened to fall in that 20-25%. What was your FTS result? Was it high or low risk? If your gynae is concerned I think there are other tests available but can be quite invasive.

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