Only Able To Eat Western Food
Tried eating healthy but have been vomiting everything out. The only food that i can go without vomiting is western food, mainly McDonald's. Will that cause any harm to my baby as I'm not really eating healthy at all. The only healthy intake for the baby at the moment is my folic acid and other vitamins

Hi there! I am in same boat as u! I cannot stomach any form of Chinese food except lor mee (with lots of vinegar) and porridge. I dont vomit, but most food will make my nausea worst as I didnt finish those food, I will eventually have dizzy spells from low blood sugar. Hubby was worried, so whenever I have nausea and low blood sugar episode, he will buy me cheese burger (it was so so good!) and fries from Mcd. I feel the same guilt whenever I indulge myself to fast food. I spoken with my gynae, he told me not to feel guilty about it as I cannot stomach almost every food. The most important part is to get some source of food---energy to the baby (nv starve yourself!). He recommended that I eat half or my burger n fries (can share with your hubby!). Hopefully on 2nd trimester we will be able to eat more healthy food!
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