Ask the Expert: 🤱🏻💤⭐ Paano Pahabain ang Tulog ni Baby? Baby Sleep Shaping & Associations🎵👶🏻�

💤⭐ Paano Pahabain ang Tulog ni Baby? Baby Sleep Shaping & Associations🎵👶🏻 💤🤱🏻💬Join me, Semone Boyal, a Certified Sleep Consultant & Expert, Founder of Mr. and Mrs. Sleep to help you shape healthy sleeping habits for baby and yourself!⭐️🌛😴 By teaming up with theAsianparent, I can help parents like you in your journey to teaching baby to sleep for longer stretches at night and how to help baby sleep deep & well even during their naptimes. Ask me anything about: 🤱🏻 Healthy Baby Sleep Routines 🛌🌙Paanong Malapag si Baby sa kanyang Kama o How to Successfully Make Baby an Independent Sleeper 😴🎶Paanong Mas Pahabain ang Tulog ni Baby o How to Help Baby Sleep Deeper and Longer 👶🏻😴Tips to Instantly Help Baby Sleep by Self-Settling 💤 💤👶🏻💤Newborn Sleep Associations ❓️💬Send your questions in the comment section below so I can see & answer EACH ONE OF YOU!

Ask the Expert: 🤱🏻💤⭐ Paano Pahabain ang Tulog ni Baby? Baby Sleep Shaping & Associations🎵👶🏻�
56 Replies
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What's a healthy sleep routine for a 5 month old baby? Our usual routine goes: 7-7:30am: Wake for the day, eat and play 8:30am: bath time 9-9:30am: First nap of the day 10:30 am: Wake, eat, and play 12:30pm : Second nap 2pm-2:30pm: Wake, eat, and play 4:30pm : Third nap of the day 5:30pm: Wake, eat, and play 8pm : Goes to bed for the night 11pm: wakes for feeding 2:30am: wakes for feeding 5:30am: wakes for feeding then back to sleep until his wake for the day

Magbasa pa
8mo ago

I would say that there is a long wake windows between naps which could result in overtiredness and increased night wakings. At 5 months a little one typically : 1. Has 3 naps a day 2. Duration of naps between 1-2 hours 3. Wake window should be 2 hours 4. Sleeps for 12-15 hours in a 24 hour period If you want support in creating a plan then please email me at [email protected]