My toddler likes to fake cry or cry crocodile tears. Any suggestions on how to get her to stop fake crying?

Does she fake cry because she wants something that you don't approve of? If so, here's my advice: don't cave, mama. If you give in to what she wants, you reward the behavior and all the more it encourages her to use crocodile tears because it gets her the results she desires. Just say "no" and quickly and using few words explain why not. You can hold her, especially when the fake tears turn into real tears - but don't give what she wants.
Read moreDistract her so she forgets about whatever she was crying about in the first place. Point at something interesting out the window or give her another toy. Or sing some really silly song while making faces. ;)
So she fake cries when I take away something from her that she has grabbed and she won't stop till I have given it back to her. She's relentless that way
Whenever my boy fake cried when he wants something. I will try to ignore and not pay any attention to it. Or I'll try to prevent it from happening.
if that is the reason she is crying and not due to hunger or dirty diaper I'll ignore and not.give in. at the most I'll.explain gently.
my bb sometimes fake cried cos I said no to certain things that he shouldn't do it.
Haha mine do that too. Fake cry n fake laugh as well.