3-year old and constant nosebleed
My toddler frequently experiences NOSEBLEED due to his heavy picking of his nose. He bleeds everyday. Anybody else here experiences the same thing?

Hello Friend I have very vital information to give to you, but first I must have your trust before I review it to you because it may cause me my job, so I need somebody that I can trust for me to be able to review the secret to you. I was pushed to contact you and to see how best we can assist each other. My name is Tina Mustapha an assistant branch bank manager at international commercial bank of Ghana Accra West Africa.. I know that this massage might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. I believe it is the wish of God for me to come across you now I'm having an important business discussion I wish to share with you which I believe will interest you because,it is in connection with business which is going to benefit both of us that is the reason why i contacted you if you don't mind... I discovered an abandoned funds here in the bank and My bank management is yet to know about it and I have also made several inquiries to locate owner of the funds but was unsuccessful And since I have been unsuccessful in locating the owner of the funds, i decided to remit the funds at the office of International Monetary Fund - Treasury Department (I.M.F.T.D)1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20431, USA) for security reasons and also because they are the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. However, I told the committee that the owner of the funds will come for his funds when needed and we agreed on that... Note that this there is no risk involved and also no documents involved... Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned Funds is because I want us to transact this business and share the money 70% for you and 30% for me... It is better that we claim this money than allowing the Bank Directors to take it they are rich already. Please get back to me for more details via Privacy Email [email protected] Regards Miss Tina Mustapha (I.C.B-GH)
Magbasa pahave you checked if there's something lodged in his nose? my son would pick his nose constantly the whole day. when i checked, he had a corn kernel up his nose! omg! good thing i was able to get it out with tweezers. no need to bring him to the doctor. here's an article for you Your kid's nosebleed: What you need to know https://ph.theasianparent.com/your-kids-nosebleed-what-you-need-to-know
Magbasa paHow’s your kid now mommy?Habang lumalaki bq nawala na nosebleed.my 2 year old boy also experiencing nosebleed often.We went to his pedia this friday but his lab test is normal.abd his pedia said it’s normal and nothing to worry.She just gave us cetirizine:)