price difference?

Is there a significant price difference buying diapers and milk from online vs from malaysia? Worth the money saved vs quality time with bb and convenience?

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For milk powder: I guess buying online in Singapore would still be more expensive than buying direct from Malaysia. I would think that buying from Malaysia’s major supermarket is safer than online unless it’s SINGAPORE online store direct from the brand itself as the savings probably wouldn’t be that substantial since the brands usually have some controlled-pricing. If buying from Singapore online sellers who are not related to the brands, then it’s really hard to say if the quality can be trusted. For diapers: Probably still cheaper in Malaysia as some brands are made in Malaysia. I’m not too worried about safety or quality of buying from major supermarkets since it’s not for eating. It’s either the brand’s diapers works for your baby or not, which is an issue even if buying in Singapore, so still have to trial and error, irregardless. However, overall, more convenient and maybe worth paying that little bit more for if you don’t have the time to go.

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