Is there a difference between qoo10 breastpump and shops? Qoo10 seems cheaper then expo and mothercare. (Particularly spectra)

I bought both my spectra pumps on qoo10, no local warranty only Korea warranty 1 Yr which u hv to pay for shipping costs to and fro for repair. I figured that the savings of more than 50% compared to buying from local authorised dealer can easily pay for another one on qoo10 if the pump breaks down. Furthermore I only intend to use at most up to target 1 year when I stop breastfeeding so don't need 2 Yr warranty provided by local disty.
Read moreThe cheaper Spectra I bought from Qoo10 is from Korea. They don't have local technical support. The warranty is from Korea. If any issue with the pump and u wnat to send it back and shipping cost by buyer.
To me, if it’s a reputable seller online and there’re real positive reviews about that product/seller, I’ll buy it online. I’ve bought most of my baby stuff online.
Qoo10 sets are direct from korea so warranty may be an issue. Nonetheless the set I bought from there was working fine.
Some has warranty! So make sure to check it out before purchasing
Buying from Qoo10 might not have local warranty ..
I bought my spectra from q10 working well.
cos qoo10 direct from cheaper.
Will check review bef buy from qoo10
Might not locatll set