6 Replies

I gave birth to my first born at 36weeks & ++days . She was healthy, no need to be in NICU . Discharge the same day as me . Normal birth !!☺️☺️ my water bag broke at the overhead bridge and when i reach hospital i was 1cm dilated :)

congrats. thank God.


I gave birth at 36+3 weeks via emergency csect as my water bag had burst. Baby was healthy, in good weight and we were discharged the same day.

ano po grade ng placenta nyo that time


I gave birth at 36 weeks csec had contraction since 34 weeks. baby is healthy weight 3.2kg don't need to be in NICU

Yup. Not my choice as I was already 4cm dilated at 34 wks. She was born healthy @ 36 wks via NVB. We went home the next day.

I went through a c- section at 36 weeks on my own decision . my baby boy was 3.8 kg , we both were healthy

ako po s pnganay q 36weeks q po xia nilabas 2.3 ok nmn po xia normal at mkulit n ngaun

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