
Do u take caffeine at all when u are breastfeeding?

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Though babies can't process caffeine as quickly as adults, breastfeeding mothers can still consume moderate amounts. You can safely have up to 300 mg of caffeine per day — or the equivalent of two to three cups (470–710 ml) of coffee.

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Yes in moderation and usually immediately after breastfeeding or pumping. To allow the caffeine effect to wear off before the next feed.

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No, I try to avoid from consuming them no matter how tempting it is

It’s ok but try to minimize, not more than one cup per day


No caffeine at all. Not even coke.

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Yes. Only one cup in the morning

Yes i did. I drink after bf

Super Mum

My wife takes one to two cups

VIP Member

Yes, moderate. 1 cup per day

Nope... or just very minimal