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Mum of a cute princess
Not napping
My 2.5 years old toddler doesn’t like to take nap though she is tired and sleepy. However, she sleeps through the night for 10 to 11 hours. But will lack of nap affect her development and health ?
I’m into 8th week pp and I’m still having my menses. Is it normal?
Do u guys go polyclinics or pd for baby’s vaccinations? And why?
Hi all What supplements do u eat when u r breastfeeding? Though eating balanced meals is the best.
Spit milk
Hi, I changed my baby’s formula milk yesterday and noticed she is still spitting milk one hour after feed. Is it normal?
My one month old baby likes to be carried to sleep. What should I do?
Mixing BM with formula milk
I heard that we should not mix BM with formula milk. After drinking BM, baby still hungry so need to supplement with formula milk. Can baby immediately drink formula milk after BM?
My 4 weeks old LO’s head tends to sleep on her right side. Is it ok to keep sleep on right side? Will it affect the shape of her head? Need to make her sleep on left side sometimes?
Do you shave your baby’s hair on its 1st month?
Nursing tea
Where do u breastfeeding mums buy nursing tea?