No breastmilk
Still do not have breastmilk on 5th days after czer, any recommendation what should i do?

No worries dear, it will come out soon,it may take longer compared to vaginal discharge.just keep breastfeed will regulate hormon proclactin to produce milk,the more u breastfeed baby,the more signals send to our brain to produce milk..if u cant bf baby direclty,make sure to pump every 3 hr consistently.
Baca lagiKeep pumping or latching your breast milk. I was on the same position like you. I thought i have no breast milk at all but i keep put positive mindset and massage my breast. It even stress me out cus my newborn need to be fed every hour cus he got jaundice. But no worries.. keep doing what’s right. Stay positive okay.
Baca lagijust keep breastfeeding you baby and keep you in good emotional. dont stress. Always think that you can breastfeed your baby. Bsde that eat somethin for your breastmilk. Like hot horlick, soup, rice, dates. Pray that you can do it 😉
it will kick in over the next few days...what you will get now is colostrum....dont stress yourself out....stress will kill your milk supply....just know that whatever you are producing now is sufficient for the baby...
Dont worry and please stay in +ve dear. Massage on your breast when shower after that using a breast pump on slow mode. Make a skin contact with baby.
Makan lobak putih, minum susu ( saya minum susu Everyday ), minum air barley, and stay positive dear. You can do it! 💪🏽
It should kick in soon. No worries 😊 just keep latching on baby
Do massage on breast
Momsy of 1 superhero son