Hi. My son is about 3 weeks old, and he have small red dots around his cheeks. Any cream or lotion to recommend? Thank you

You can consider trying Alobaby milky lotion. My friends recommended it to me too. I’ll be going down to the baby fair tomorrow to get it. It’s a japan product, they even have certificate from ECOCERT (organic certification organisation). Then now baby fair got promo. 50% off retail price if you get during their frenzy deal. They have a wide range of products available during the fair. You can go and take a look.
Read moreI would recommend that you watch the red dots -- they could just be a milk rash and could go away in a day or two on their own. However, if the dots increase in number or look redder, then please take your child to see the doc. Don't use any products on such a young baby without doctor's advice.
Hi, it might just be pink pimples due to maternal hormones. It usually resolves over time. Breast milk is a safe and natural remedy for rashes. Also, use dye-free, fragrance-free detergents and fabric softeners for baby's laundry. If the rash gets worse, you might want to consult your paediatrician.
Try ceradan. My baby has serious baby acne and rash. I want to see a GP and he prescribes me the shower foam and cream to apply. And it got a lot better after that. before this I tried a lot of other brand and it doesn’t work as well as this.
I would suggest to monitor the red spots for a few days first. If it got worse, please see your PD about it. On a side note, do not attempt to apply any lotion without consulting your PD in case of worsening the spots
I second Ceradan too. My girl had some mild baby ezcema and the cream helped her alot. It was prescribed by her pd but you could get it from most of the hospital’s pharmacy.
Try Young Living Kidscent Lotion specially formulated for kids. Or can try the new Seedlings range of lotion mild enough for newborn. All toxic free.
I had the same problem with my daughter. My doctor recommended Cetaphil Restoraderm to clean her face and body during bath time
Probably newborn acne. It will resolve on its own. or try rubbing some breast milk on it.
Use Baby Dove lotion. It is hypoallergenic and good for the baby's skin.
Shall consider. Thank you so much
First time mummy to a baby boy