Alert ?

Sometime, i visited this aplication, just for having fun. Read every status that has already posted, but honestly it tickles in my tummy. I smiled even if i laughed after reading that status, because it was so funny. The question was not necessary to be answered. It just made you look stupid, right? ? please. Just make the good question as like as you really dont know what the answer is and please be a smart mother, guys. ?Dont show how stupid you are in this room ?‍♀️it is just embarrassing your self??

114 Tanggapan
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Tulis tanggapan

Bilang nya jangan tanya hal2 yg ga penting sama jngn tunjukkan kebodohan tp ya dengan bunda buat status sok pintar pake bahasa inggiris pulak udh gitu salah2 lg. Udh bnyk yg correct salah tp ngeles dengan human eror. Ga usah sok show off lh caper. Klo mau caper sono di fb. Mau penting ga penting udh jelas di sini aplkasi buat bunda2 yg mau berbagi keluhan sebagai bunda dan calon bunda. Jd wajar klo terlihat polos dan ga penting. Dr pada buat status sok menggurui orang tp nunjukin lebih ga penting dan lebih bodoh wkwkkwk

Baca lagi
5y ago

Elu mah cuma pgn banyak yg komen kan mom , klo dliat sih soalnya thread mu sblm*nya hampir gaada yg nanggapi .. Makanya cari sensasi english major nya kluar . Tp no problem sih lu kan kaya nya tipe org gt jd wajar 😆