Sometimes, I get so engrossed into parenting my kids that if I think I can no longer tell if I am doing well as a parent or there is something I can improve upon. Do you mums face this as well? and how do you deal with it?

Firstly, I think we should accept the fact that being a parent is our choice but parenting is a full time job. The way when we sometimes go to office with great enthusiasm, at times, feeling dejected, bored or happy, the same thing happens in parenting. But we are so emotional and attached in parenting unlike our "office jobs" that we don't acknowledge the pressure that parenting brings with it. If we think of catching up a movie leaving our kids with a maid or even with our parents, we feel guilty. I think, parents should give themselves a break from parenting. And with break, I mean, if you go on a holiday (or better if can manage to do intermittently) , let yourself just be a parent and don't do parenting. Take care of kids but do not exclaim when your kid spills curry on his clothes, do not panic if your kid rolls on the grass, do not correct your child if he/she is eating noodles with the fork in his right hand. Just breathe easy, and if you are giving time to yourself along with your child, trust that you are doing a good job.
Read moreThere is no fixed pattern in parenting. You have to go with the flow.Yes, sometime we feel we are not doing things perfectly and that we could do better. But you need to pause and and remind yourself you are doing your best. In time as your kids grow up your parenting style will change and you will be more confident to keep up with the change. Learn to find time to let your hair down and have fun too!! Cheers!
Read moreThere is no right, wrong or perfect parenting. As moms, we try to do our best for the kids. Yes..we have to evolve and change with the kids age. A teenager cannot be treated the same way as a toddler. We need to keep up with their pace and age. Sometimes we introspect whether we are being too strict, paranoid, too lax and bring changes accordingly. Personally I have worked on my temper.
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