2 Replies

Stress is definitely a risk factor. I’ve came across this article which highlighted some subtle signs that one could keep a lookout for: http://www.womensweekly.com.sg/health/6-heart-attack-signs-you-shouldnt-ignore/ The signs include: - Toothache (like a discomfort in the lower jaw) - Excessive sweating - Tummy troubles (nausea or vomiting) - Neck, Shoulder or Back Pain - Dizzy or Vacant Spells - Fatigue and Weakness And here’s another article that provides very useful information on this condition: http://www.singhealth.com.sg/patientcare/ConditionsAndTreatments/Pages/Heart-Attack-tight-chest-pain.aspx While breathing difficulties may not be listed as a sign, it probably does signify that you are anxious. Probably a sign for you to relax and slow down. Take care of yourself mummy! Have some me-time and remember, you are just human!

It could be a contributing factor. Please take care and try to relax. You can try breathing exercises, simple light exercises or even yoga. Eat well and get enough rest. Take care!

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