Which is better for your health? More sleep or exercise ?
Which is better for your health? More sleep or exercise ?
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More sleep
More exercise

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Both important, but don't overdo it. For my opinion, more exercise is better for your health. To much sleep will make your body weaker. Bad effect of oversleep: 1) headache 2) diabetes 3) obesity 4) depression 5) less focus 6) become lazy 7) may cause heart failure 8) damage brain 9) stroke 10) mempengaruhi kesuburan

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more sleep.. 😂😂✌at the same time need both..sleep also exercise..but if dont get rest and enough sleep also can get sick.. #TAPSupermoms

both. kena stabil antara dua

VIP Member

exercise #TAPSupermoms

hidup sihat dan cergas

both are important


more exercise

more sleep

VIP Member
