
6 Balas

VIP Member

Hi. Boleh. Cuma maybe kadar HCG tak cukup kuat lagi. Ada termometer x? Cuba check kalau suhu badan rendah 36 ke bawah baik tak payah check sbb tu tanda period nk dtg dh.

tp simptom lbih kurang sma je.. suhu bdn mgkin berbezaπŸ˜…

I tried before and the result is negative (how sad :/) but when I missed my period then it turned positive. :’) so why not, you can try, nak sedapkan hati, like me hehe

hehehe...tenkiu2..bukan ape...sbb bhnti mkn pil prncg, tu yg mcm konfius lgi

VIP Member

Level hCG tu mungkin rendah lagi, so kalau check mungkin dapat result negative. Try tunggu sampai 7 hari lambat.

okay tq...sbb hritu cek negative...hehehe

I did it after miss my period for 3 days and it positive πŸ˜€

i tested on my due and got a positive

try after 7days ..

after missed period kan?

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