Fresh Milk OR Formula Milk?

share your opinion to give FRESH MILK OR FORMULA MILK to a 2 years old or 3 years old toddler? WHEN can start to give FRESH MILK? What about Formula Milk? Has to continue in giving this or not? Till when, the age to stop? Thanks.

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I mampu bf anak first smp 1 tahun setengah je.. Then I bagi fresh milk Dutch Lady smp umor dia 3 tahun.. Ok so far poo poo pon ok..

5y ago

normal fresh milk brand Dutch Lady tu? doc atau nurse advise... sambung ambil FM dan fresh milk sekali juga... hmm

VIP Member

Susu segar.👍🏻 Ia membantu juga utk boost up selera makan anak. Saya selalu blend susu segar dengan kurma.

VIP Member

Hi mommy you can start giving fresh milk starting 1y. After 2y they don't need formula milk anymore.

5y ago

ok thanks mommy 😊

VIP Member

Fresh milk. Formula milk most of them got adding sugar. Itu yg membuatkan gigi cepat rosak.