Just for fun
Can share w me the gender myths and whether it was true in your gender of baby once you found out? Eg crave sweet food - baby really girl?

maybe some true some fake? - they say stomach pointy = bb boy. had all old folks predicting my bb is a boy, through the looks of my stomach.my bb's a girl haha -they say mummy will develop a big wider nose if preg with boy. my sis in law experienced that twice and the 3rd preg she didnt have the wide nose and bb's a girl
Read moreDepends on individual hahah. I craved for sweet stuffs, round belly, good face complexion, no MS, had lots of hair (head) and my body hair stopped growing (I don’t need to shave!!), I had a girl! But damn PP hair loss I was shedding like husky and my body hair was growing so quickly 🥲.
My friend had v bad morning sickness and had a boy.. I didn’t really have and I’m having a girl 😅 craving wise I always like sweet things and still sweet stuff though. But baby bump mine is not sharp = girl, could be coincidental too I guess 🤔
Nose became weirdly bigger and my complexion darker when I had my son. But now carrying a girl, my nose doesn't change and complexion stays the same. hardly had nausea when I had my boy but was more nauseous in first trimester with my girl.
Honestly the gender myths are all incorrect. I was craving for swets every single day, and my morning sickness was bad, they say ill be having a girl, but im having a boy
Bad morning sickness = girl. Mine was any time of the day. Now, 32weeks along still with morning sickness, random timings. Boy 💁🏽♀️
What I heard is Sour food crave = boy; spicy food crave = girl.
A wife, a mom to a 16mths old toddler & an educator.