Asalammualaikum sya nak tanya sapa² penah alami mcm sya biochemical prengnancy? Sya p scan kosong ..
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sye penah.. period sye tratur.. tbe2 1 bln nie period lmbt then sye check upt sye x trus scan tggu 6 mggu bru scan.. Rahim tebal tp xde kantung.. so Dr ckp maybe persenyawaan lmbt or x jd.. the next day period..
berapa weeks? period regular ke x? ade bleeding ke x? kalau dh 8w above boleh try pegi hospital terus, sbb boleh suspect as ectopic kalau kosong.
9 minggu dah..period kadang x teratoq jugk ..ada turun darah tapi x sakit ..tdi p klinik swasta doktor chek ayaq kecing tapi dah jdi negatif
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