Seriously, how many mummies are like me, with an insomniac 3 year old?! It's driving me nuts. I used whatever method there is, wind down, no electronic gadgets, milk b4 bed, essential oil, massage, bedtime story, singing 300x twinkle little star, cane, no cane, scolding, coaxing, skipping naps, NOTHING WORKS. He sleeps only 9hrs on average. I cannot help but think it is hereditary. Now, I don't want to hear anymore advice... I just want to know I am not alone. Please... Can someone tell me I am not alone?

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oh mine fights naps n sleep..however he is only 16 months old so he sleeps eg 10 hr a night and 1 hr nap. less than recc for sure. I have to rock n latch him to zz. did u try to block off all the light sources? is yr child functioning well in the day, if so maybe he just needs less sleep?

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