Baby Bump 16weeks
Hi semua mommies & mommy to be :) I’m pregnant 16weeks now tapi perut sy x nmpk mcm preg. Instead people keep asking asal perut x nmpk. And myself be like so weird cos this is my first pregnancy and x nmpk baby bump langsung. Kecuali lpas mkn tu perut automatic kembung mcm pregnant :( #firstbaby #bantusharing #firstmom #seriusnanya

don’t worry mama , as long as doc said your baby growth accordingly with no health issues then u should just enjoy your pregnancy 😄 🤰🏻 16weeks for first pregnancy is normal for some people to not really showed but it will gradually significant sooner.. stay safe & healthy , mama..
Baca lagisama lah, skrg dah 8 bulan bru nampak betul perut buyung tu.. masa 16 weeks perut tu just nmpk mcm buncit je hehehe.. bila org tanya semua igt bru 5 or 6 bulan sbb perut kecik but don't worry perut kecij ke besar janji baby dalam tu sihat jer membesar ikut flow ☺☺
Normal jee.. sy pn perut kecik, dh 6 bulan skrg bila org tanya smua pakat trkejut, baby bump tu nmpk je cuma kecik org ckp mcm bru dlm 4 bulan je,heheee.. and actually,bila baby bump kecik ni lg snang nk buat kerja xsangkut terok sgt😂 asalkan baby sihat je kt dalam kann 🤗
its normal sis... saya masa anak pertama pun macam tu saya pun tak sedar mengandung 🤰... sekali pergi klinik kandungan da jalan 9 bulan sekali je pergi klinik tak sempat buat buku pink🤭 beberapa hari lepas tu sy melahirkan bby girl🤗
No worries sis . Some ppl mmg perut dia kecik je . As long the baby is healthy , that should be fine 😘 Ignore je apa org nak cakap . Just enjoy your pregnancy 🌹
takpe, saya pun mcm tu jugak. masuk 28w baru nampak perut ni. 1st pregnancy memang mostly mcm tu n depends pada fizikal masing². yg penting baby sihat 💖
Me too. Dah 16weeks of pregnancy. Perut memang xnampak sangat. Tp bila consult doc, doc kata normal for certain ppl. Tp baby alhamdulillah is doing fine.
normal sis... saya anak 1st dah 9bln baru nampak baby bump... hehehehe asalkn baby n mommy sihat sudahlerr usah didengar org cakap
memang macam tu kalau first baby sebab otot kat perut masih firm, selalunya 6 bulan keatas baru mendadak nampak perut
me 20w pun masih pakai baju2 before preggy and baju still loose sbb perut blum nmpk😂 tp baby aktif brgerak