4 Replies

VIP Member

I hear canines cause toddlers a lot of pain. Gentle pressure is the best way to relieve pain. Give him a chilled solid teether which he can gnaw on. Some parents may recommend teething gels, but I wouldn't. Teething gels may cause adverse side effects and it numbs the gums. If your child is in a lot of pain, a bit of infant paracetamol will work as it is a painkiller. Treat it as your last resort, though. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a569371/toddler-teething-how-to-ease-the-distress

So far I find teething gel is the most effective way to ease the pain. You can choose natural based ingredients teething gel for your baby to ease the teething pain, e.g. Hyland's Baby Teething Gel. For me, I also offer teething toys and help to massage baby's gums. You can refer to this video on how to massage baby's gum during teething pain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMdrcWSjzAI

My friend tried a simple method that she read online. Simply take a clean washcloth, rinse it, twist it and place it in the freezer for 30 mins. She also tried giving her baby crushed ice and thought that helped too.
