13 Balas

baby sy kerap flu, mcm mana nk tingkatkan imunisasi baby?

Kebanyakan bayi yang kerap selsema ada abang atau kakak yang sudah pergi tadika atau sekolah rendah, dan membawa balik rumah virus. Abang kakak ini perlu dijauhkan dari bayi sekiranya menunjukkan tanda tanda mula kurang sihat. Susu badan sangat sangat penting, sekiranya ada. Didapati dalam pelbagai kajian antarabangsa bahawa sekiranya seseorang ibu menyusu badan untuk tempioh 6 bulan, bayi itu akan kurang senang penyakit walaupun tempoh penyusuan badan sudahpun berlalu.

Dr can I give half boiled eggs to my 10months old

Egg white is high in protein and sometimes causes rashes so ideally should be given after the age of one year to minimize this risk. Half boiled eggs are half cooked and so the proteins are whole, and so more easily trigger allergy type rashes. However half boiled eggs are convenient because the little child doesn't need to chew and can just slurp it down. My oldest child (she is now 23 years old) was a fussy picky eater and so at age 10 months we fed her half boiled eggs DAILY as her source of protein as we had tried every other method to feed her minced chicken and streamed fish but it was mostly not very successful. We took the risk and she developed no rashes. So the answer is if you choose to do it, proceed with caution. Make sure the egg isn't slightly cracked because if there are germs in the egg, and the egg is half cooked, the child is going to get sick


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