2 Balas

Wslm hi boleh try tanya di KPJ Damansara..saya ingat lagi saya attend antenatal class kat situ tahun 2013, alhamdulillah ok senang faham & the nurses pun baik. Boleh call dorg for further info: 03 7718 1000 Dari website: Antenatal class is available here at KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital. For further information kindly contact the Customer service at ext 1415/1063/1143. Hope this helps!

Welcome 😊

waalaikumussalam, hi mommy! cuba mommy tanya kt kk yg mommy slalu checkup tu..kalau kt tmpt sy, kkia nya mmg ada buat kelas antenatal..tp sy tak sempat join, dah selamat bersalin dah 😁

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