Hi.. any SAHM? wondering how u all can cope financially? Hope u all can answer my qns. 1) How much is the whole family expenses like each mth? 2) How much does ur spouse earns? 3) Got give u pocket money since u not working? 4) Do u still give ur parents allowance? thank u.

I've been a SAHM to a family of 3 for almost 3y now, after the birth of my lo. 1) Average grocery expenditure $500 ($300-$600). Flat rental $1100. Utilities (SP, cable, Internet, phone) $200. Hubby's motorcycle $300. Total $2k. I dunno how much is his insurance though. LO is fully breastfed and cloth diapered in the day (nighttime - disposable) since 2 days old. Overseas travel is mainly regional and 1-2 times a year. 2) $5k 3) $250, which is the same as before when I was working. 4) Stopped giving my parents monthly allowance after I stopped working. I do give during festive occasions. He still gives $250. We don't have a joint bank account, only our own. I do most of the grocery shopping so payment is by me. The Internet, my hp and my grandma's hp is still GIRO deducted from my account. I'm relying on my past savings. The rest of the expenses are borne by him. He pays for most of the meals out. My parents and us will take turns treating each other to a meal over the weekend or I might cook. His parents will cook for us and the other siblings when we get together every weekend. We're also waiting for our flat so once that comes, mortgage will be paid fully by CPF. Then we can have more cash savings.
Read moreI an SAHM since when i m pregnant with my 1st boy in 2004. Currently have 3 children, aged 12, 10 & 5. Hubby didn't give me any money but he pay for all the utility bills and expenses for my eldest boy whereas i pay for the child care fees for my youngest boy. I also need to pay for my own life and health insurance As for my 2nd boy, my sil help to pay his daily expenses except yearly insurance premium, school shoes and school books where i got to pay them using my own savings. Hubby earning is not fixed as he is a self employed. Household expenses at least 7k. Hubby didn't give me pocket money. If he got go supermarket with me, i buy more and made him pay for it because if i go myself i got to pay using my own money..... Nevertheless, i still try to bake my parents birthday cake during their birthday and give them allowance every CNY which is $500. If given a choice, i wouldn't want to be a SAHM. A job where no one appreciated with no benefits of any kind.
Read moreI stop working since preg w #1, taking 1 yr break Caz I still need to serve bond for work. Husband does the budgeting, I mix fm & bm all the while. My husband gives me the same budget before and after I stop work. Still give my parents and his parents allowance. He does the budgeting so I only know each month we still have 800-1k left. Every meal is eat out Caz only 2 of us so v hard to cook - kopitiam/foodcourt kind. Maybe once in 2wks something better. 1-2 meals a wk at parents/in laws pace. But I am only SAHM for a yr so maybe not a v accurate picture. My husband earns abt 6+k, housing loan only frm his cpf monies. I give some tuition tho - abt 1k a month. We still pay for my in laws some bills
Read moreHi I am not a SAHM but sharing with u my sil's family. They have 2 school going children and since their birth, she is already a SAHM. My bil earns around $5k and gives my sil around $2k monthly to settle her marketing, children's pocket money, utilities bills, transportation money. The rest she keeps as pocket money which can be around $200. The more u save on the above, the more pocket money she has. My sil only gives money to her own parents on occasions such as father's, Mother's Day, birthdays, cny. They get to travel once a year and fully paid by my bil of coz. Ultimately, I think is what u need vs what u want.
Read morehello, I am a SAHM since beginning of the year. 1. family expenses: - housing loan (I still co-pay via my CPF, husband tops up cash if there is extra savings we have) - marketing/ grocery: approx $500 - bills (hp, internet, utilities) - $300 - misc - $100-200 2. though I am SAHM, I try to do some freelance design work. these money will go into savings or shopping (for baby & myself) 3. $500 cash for marketing. have access to common account which he tops up every month. also have a sub card. if not enough cash for the month, will ask for more. 4. yes. I still give $500/mth to my parents
Read morehi.. i am not working since last year march when i got pregnant and my 1st tri was super bad.. hubby is the only one working and we are waiting for our house late this year. i bf my son for the 1st 6 months so we saved on fm. nownhe takes 4 feedings each days so each month we need about 2 of 800g of fm each month.. now im preggy w no. 2 so there is no always eating out.. or fancy holidays.. my hubby earns only 2.6k and he gives me 100 to pay my bils and to buy what i want.. food etc he will buy or pay when we go out.. i dun give my parents $ cause if i work i will be the one giving..
Read moreEmm.. I'm SAHM for 3years, ever since my girl went P1. We apply for FAS from school for my girl uniform, books, shoes & food expenses for her at school. Hubby is a Taxi driver and didn't earn much. Our parents are very understanding and we still got other siblings to give parents allowance so is fine. We only treat our parents go outside & have dinner once a month. I know hubby is working very hard for us so I didn't ask him for pocket money but if I need to buy anything, just tell him & he will pay for it or I can just use his ATM card to purchase.
Read moreSAHM since 2011 #1. now living 2 room hdb rental flat with 3 kids. Hubby pay increased from 1.4k in 2011 to 2.6k now. currently all kids not schooling. 1. Rent & main bills : $450, Prepaid for 2: $100-$150, Ezlink card for 2: $70, Groceries, diapers, milk, shampoo, cleaning detergent etc: $1k, miscellanous: entertainment, shopping for clothes, hobby, last min taxi rides. 3. Transfer half his pay to my acct so I have easy access. but I dont use unless necesary. use for my kids only. 4. mil $50, fil $20, dad $30-$50
Read moreI have been SAHM for 1 year... This is based on my last year observation 1) School fees $1300, standard bills (PUB, internet, S&CC, HP bills) $400. Hubby insurance (?)and groceries (maybe $500) and eat out $300-$400. Guess it is roughly like this... 2) Sales so it varies. So far at least $5k. 3) No he didnt give me as my allowance came from rental for the moment... If anything not enough i will let him know. 4) Once in a while then give my grandmother cos she knows I not working already...
Read morei have 3kids and 1baby. age:8yrs,6yrs,2yrs plus and newborn baby breastmilk and need to buy diapers and formula.both kids having tuition,my elder in student care and both kids at childcare full time currently im having on maternity leave and mum help me to look after newborn. thinking to work part time or dont work.hubby earn about $2k plus. i need to adjust my timing to fit the kids and fetch them back home. if i change job cant find a suit timing if work part time not sure work retail or office?
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