Baby face and neck rashes, how to cure and prevention. Keep coming back

Sad to see like that

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Hi its pretty normal till they are bout 6months their skin is very sensitive I don’t suggest putting lotion or anything just keep it clean and dry thats what i do with my LO it comes and goes

It's important to keep those areas of skin dry to prevent rashes. Speak to the paed for lotions that you can apply.

Get it checked with your PD who will be able to investigate and prescribe something specific

Super Mum

After drinking milk, do wipe with wet cloth.. sometimes it is due to milk rash

VIP Member

Hi... I suggest that you bring your child to see a doctor or PD.

VIP Member

Suggest you bring the a doc to see what is the issue first

VIP Member

Try getting some medication from a Pd, not normal doctor.

VIP Member

check w pd and apply the lotion given

Can try aloe vera gel