Rhesus Negative
Any rhesus negative blood type pregnant mummy here? Want to ask if u have Anti-D injection? Which week do u need to get injection and how much they charge u per injection?

I am mother rhesus negatif.. For first pregnancy we will have 3 injection rhogam at 28 weeks 34 weeks and after delivery. for second and next pregnancy we just have one injection rhogam only at 28weeks .i just shre my experince being rhesus negatif.
I am rhesus negative.. O-.. what is your blood type? Doctor advised me to get injection at my 28weeks.. but if you go to private
Hi Syahadah, thanks for your reply. I just got my anti D injection in private hospital today. It cost me all in about RM600 including doctor consultation fee. The doctor told me I only need 1 jap before delivery and another jap after delivery (optional if my baby confirm rhesus negative too).
Me also negative rhesus. I got my first rhogam injection on 28 weeks of pregnancy. Buat di kk tak dikenakan cas.
Private will cost you rm500 per inject which is you have to take two injection
I love my handsome son so much