Konny Summer Carrier
Reviews on konny baby carrier? Is it good for baby wearing at home and outside?

I find it abit warm to use it at home. But it works magic when baby had colic. Will suggest to use under air-conditioned room even for its summer collection. For outside, you definitely need some practice before confidently slotting the baby in (although I looks super easy on vid but in real life, it's indeed quite a challenge). Once baby is in, you'll feel as though you and your baby combines one. It sticks to the body and allows your baby to snuggle in to zzzz.
Read moreKonny is light and easy to just bring it out. Good to use outside or at home as well. However, if going for long journey or carrying long hours and baby is quite heavy might not be good idea. Support not as good as using standard baby carrier such as tula or ergobaby.
I bought one but hardly use it.. Prolly I just need more practice with it, but I find wearing baby in it on my own is a challenge, so I always need my hub to help carry baby while I wear Konny over. However once baby is snugged in it, it’s rather comfortable.
I have the original konny carrier. I usually use it when i go out with my baby. Personally i find it easy to put my baby in and out by myself. It feels comfortable too and my baby seems to love being in it probably cus its very snug in there.
I've seen many good reviews on it
Yes! Esp at home!
Yes I love it