Who is the best paediatrician at sbcc gleneagles?
Review between this 2 pd frm sbcc gleneagles ? Dr Ratna and Dr Jenny tang ? Which one is better ?

Finally i get to say something abt my bad..very bad exp w jenny tang. 17 yrs ago..my baby was 2mths old i took her to kkh for fever n flu symptoms. No admission but was schedule for follow up. Dats when we saw jenny. My baby was still unwell..w phlegm n fever on off. She prescribed few bottles of medicatons. N was told to c her again 1 mth aftr. There was no diagnosis. Aftr giving her d med she becamie drowsy, sleep very long hrs i had to wake her up for feeds. I continued giving her d med as told. Nex visit i told doc abt d med effects but she said juz continue n don worry. i have 2 other doters aged 7 n 4 thus i cn tel if my baby is ok or not. So d following visits i told her d same concerns. My baby has hi fever almost evry week. Yet she kept saying baby is fine n not to worry. I remembered her telling me to continue give d "new medicine". I trusted her n so i heed her advice. Look, my baby cnnt lift her head up at 6 mths. She cnnt turn over to lie on her tummy, she cudnt crawl at 10 mths or even sit up. She jus slide down like a piece of paper when we put her on a chair. She doesnt cry at all. Aftr med she sleeps. I explained but again was told baby is fine. At 10 mths as expected she fail her development test. We still go back to c jenny evry mth to get med. Finally I got tired going hosp evry mth..n wif so many other referrals eg development clinic, physio, occu therapy n eye clinic, i gave up seeing jenny. No more sleeping med for my baby. My doter development was affected. She has gdd. Brain, eyes, limb, growth..all affected. I cudnt accept dis initially. She was born full term n normal. Her symptoms was not treated properly. Now its too late i regret it bcos i didnt ask for 2nd opinion. Not long aftr dat my doter was very ill i took her back to kkh. She had her 1st pneumonia. She was admitted n was recommended to c prof Anne Goh. Prof Goh was shocked to c her lungs dat she refuse to let me see which she initially intended to show me cos she said it shud not happen to someone her age. Her lungs has lots of scars n very "ugly". My child was already 10 yrs old. Wo specific diagnosis. Prof Ann ordered for all tests eg scans n blud test n scope. By dat time d prolonged bronchitis had become a permanent lung disease called bronchiectasis which i was told is incurable. Now she admits hosp 2 to 3 x per yr. Prone to lungs infections coz its weak. Too late to regret now. Lesson learned. Nvr trust any doc 100%. If in doubt, always ask for 2nd opinion.
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Have not seen Dr. Ratna but would like to share my experience with Dr. Jenny Tang. During our consultation she kept herself busy picking up phone calls seeking medical advices every 1-2 minutes, which was distracting and disrespectful to the patient in front of her. I know that she is famous but we also paid her $170 just to see her for a couple of minutes. I am furious due to a number of reasons. First, she prescribed my kid antibiotics even without listening to his lungs (as my kid was fussy and fought it). Secondly, when I returned to her right away as my kid had swollen upper lip and penis with rashes on his chest after taking Augmentin the antibiotics, she brushed it off and said it might not be because he is allergic to the drug, and asked me to continue giving him the same drug. When I looked at her in disbelief, she then gave another antibiotics to replace Augmentin, and my kid didn't have the reactions anymore. Thirdly, besides antibiotics she prescribed crazy loads of drugs to him (22 months) and it cost us $400+ for one child's flu for one visit. Lastly, besides flu medicine, she also prescribed an unnecessarily big tube of anti-rash cream that will be enough for him till he goes to college, and that tube alone cost $50. That one she asked me if Calamine lotion I apply to his rash give satisfactory result, and I said yes, but I was just worried and pointed it out to her in case she sees any relations between rash and his sickness. She said it's just heat rash and asked my permission for her to prescribe some cream for him. Who would have thought that a famous doctor much revered like her will prescribe something like that? She did appear quite greedy and not really caring much about the health of her patients, very sad to say.
Read moreDear Ms Pachara Lochinda, We are sorry to hear of your account of your experience with SBCC Baby & Child Clinic (Asthma, Lung, Sleep and Allergy Centre). Please be assured that we are committed to the delivery of quality care. We regret that your experience at our clinic fell short of your expectations, and your feedback is appreciated and well noted. Nevertheless, we take a different view of the consultation experience based on our account of the facts. We look forward to the opportunity to sharing our view and addressing your concerns directly. Our SBCC Baby & Child Clinic Manager can be contacted at 6817 8238.
My son visited DR RATNA , he was charged $120.00 consultation charges excluding medication. For only a cut wound on his finger. No more than 6 minutes of consultation. If it was long consultation time frame, I understand the charges. It's not the first time seeing this specialist, previously we were charged between $75 - $90. It's reasonably priced. We decided to let this doctor continue be our family doctor. Both my sons have seen this specialist dozen of times. Until the last two visit, they were charged $120.00 respectively. She charged us maximum charges. Full charged. I understand some other clinic charges $120.00 but the feedback I got from other parents was, it took the doctor long consultation time and explaining to the parents. This will be the last time I will be visiting DR RATNA clinic. Personally, we feel we were treated more like customers, not patient.
Read moreBoth doctors are very experienced and their medical expertise are well sought after. They are both multilingual, which I find very striking and admirable. Reviews that I found online spoke positively about both doctors. They have different specialities - Dr Jenny Tang specialises in pediatric asthma, lung, sleep and allergy while Dr Ratna Sridjaja seems to be more on the general side of pediatrics. Unless you've sought both their services, can't really compare which doctor is better. If we compare the prices of their consultation fees, have read from mommy forums that Dr Tang's are slightly more expensive ($150) while one mommy shared that Dr Sridjaja's was about $136.
Read moreDr. Ratna is someone who spends time addressing any concerns about your little one and doesn’t at all seem at all mindful of the silly questions we have being a first-time parent. She’s an Indonesian who could speak Bahasa Indonesian, English, Mandarin and a little bit of Hokkien. She’s also eloquent, very gentle and interacts very well with our baby. As for Dr. Jenny, she specialises in sleep and respiratory and allergy problem. Her consultation is pretty ex, at least $150. I have not seen her before but heard she is quite good from forum reviews.
Read moreShe charges $120.00 consultation , less than 5 mins time
Dr Ratna is my kids pd since birth! She is very patience with parents and babies! There was once when my son was having high fever and I admitted him to novena e hospital but the new nurse can't handle the situation well enough, she told off the nurse and asked me to go straight to Gleneagles! That was almost mid night! Thumb up for her! She rushed to Gleneagles and follow up closely!
Read moreMy friend recommends Dr. Ratna and she has been bringing kids to Dr. Ratna for 5 years since her first born. She commented that Dr. Ratna is very detailed in explaination and accurate in diagnosis, in addition the medicines doctor prescribed suit her kids well so far.
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Personally find Dr Jenny Tang very patience and experience on asthma, she check very details and listen and give advice what we concern.
Dr Ratna, i have a lot of friends who brought their kids to visit her. she is a very detailed pd!