play yard or walker
Would u all recommend to buy play yard or walker? Which one will use for a longer period of time?

Play yard which can be used from an earlier stage and allows baby to learn how to sit up from lying position and stand up while holding the fence (: that said my toddler loves to push anything in sight now from stools to laundry basket, so having a push type of walker for after 1yo may be fun for your kid too! (:
Read moreMy daughter has been using her play yard (the playpen made up of panels) for 4 years, and thr second kid’s using it too. Keeps them confined too, for their safety. I created their kingdom for them within it. Haha
Play yard! I had both for my son, but the walker isn't of much use, cos he climbs out of it, which is really dangerous.
I had both I find walker is better baby tend to learn more in walker than yard.
play yard...its for their own safety..
Walker (the push to walk kind)
Play yard is better
Definitely playard!
Play yard!
Play yard
Mum of 2 beautiful girls