Quite nervous and excited... Although still have 12weeks more to go to reach edd. First time mum. Worried too.

Just be happy and enjoy the ride. Be prepared and read up on what to expect when giving birth and discuss with your ob-gyne questions you have in mind. Once you have these information, that removes the worry.
Im 11 days to my delivery date, i used to be nervius n worried. But as date is aproaching i seems to look forward more. Love to my orecious, the pain willl be worth it as long baby is safe and healthy 🤗
I can just imagine all the excitement and anticipation! 12 weeks will go by before you know it. For now, do eat and rest well and do a shopping list(:
Ikr... I was really nervous and excited too back then. For now just eat well and rest well. All the best to you!
Take care. Have all the rest you need now and prepare for your little ones arrival.
Congratulations! Take good care of yourself and all the best :)
Totally Normal! just dont worry. Congratulations mommy !
I dontknow how im feeling now... im 7 weeks to edd 🤣
It is completely normal to have those feelings, mummy!
Dont worry. You’ll do great!! Enjoy motherhood!