did pregnant can drink Starbucks Hot Chocolate ?

Pregnant 3 monts now , can I drink Starbucks Hot Chocolate , is there having any coffee ingredients?

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Hi mommy. Chocolates still got caffeine in it. But it's okay to drink once in while. Not too often because it's too sweet, you don't want to have gdm pulak. 😁

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U can enjoy it once in a while.. not too often.. because it can effect your hb during pregnancy. Beside, sweets can effect urine test during checkup and lead to GDM..

its caffeine that should be take lesser.. hot chocolate too has caffeine in it also might have high sugar level which can lead to GDM..

2mo ago

Sya slalu isi perut pagi2 dgn hot chocolate. Any other recommendation hot drink for me to fill my stomach early morning?

saya nak tanya jugak. ada effect ke klau ibu suka mkn mangga masam yg bukan alang kepalang rasa masam ny tu? any ideas?

3y ago

sebiji dua ok kot, tp kalau ada gestrik kena kurgkan.. nnt tmbh berasid perut.. 😄

Hi mummies. Nak tanya jugak kalau 13weeks pregnant boleh ke makan mangga asam boi ? Atau tak boleh ye

3y ago

ok je sis utk hilangkn teliur ambil kuantiti sedikit. Asalkan makanan tu tidak merbahayakan ibu dan kandungan

kalau selalu masuk angin , rasa macam gastrik normal ke ? kdg rasa mcm angin berpusing je dlm perut

3y ago

Normal sis. Pastikan ambil makanan dengan kerap tapi dalam kuantiti yang sedikit

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according to my doctor,caffeine antara penarik zat baby... utk sekali sekala tu boleh la

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It's ok but not too much a cup once a week .