Positive C-sect Stories?
Hi any positive C-sect experiences? And anything to take note of for c-sect? I'm soooooo not mentally prepared for it and I'm feeling worried every single day. It's like literally the most major surgery that I'll ever had ?

I, too was so against c-sect but for some reasons, had to deliver by c-sect last June. And honestly, I have nothing against it now. I was wheeled in to the op room just before 3 pm, administered with Spinal anaesthesia and at 3 pm, operated on. Baby was out at 3:06 pm! No contraction, no pushing and all that. (I went through that with my first born and will do so again if I had that option with my 2nd). The pain only kicked in 3 days pp as the anaesthesia has started to wear off, but not as bad as I thought it to be. In 5 days, I was able to walk unsupported but slowly of course. So, overall, my c-sect experience went smooth and my recovery was quite fast. Now at 4.5 months pp and it felt like I have not had c-sect operation. Goodluck on yours!
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IG: @vannyaudrey