This is Penn at the tender age of just four weeks old. After every feed he would projectile vomit his whole bottle up within 30 seconds of his finishing it. He was diagnosed with a condition called Pyloric Stenosis. This is a condition that’s uncommon in infants and blocks food from entering the small intestine. Normally, a muscular valve (pylorus) between the stomach and small intestine holds food in the stomach until it is ready for the next stage in the digestive process. Luckily thankyou to the amazing staff at Gleneagles Hospital, a straight forward procedure fixed this. It was a simple keyhole surgery and thankfully he will only have a tiny scar! It was the most stressful few weeks in my life, with a week of no sleep in the hospital, but thankfully my little warrior is now fine and can sure eat a feast fit for a king! This situation told me to ALWAYS trust your gut instinct when it comes to your babies and never stop fighting! 💗 I hope this raises awareness for even just ONE person experiencing anything similar. #pyloricstenosis #pyloricstenosisawareness #pyloricstenosissurvivor