baby weight
Peggy 36 week 6 days baby current weight is 2800gram plus minus 150 is the weight is ideal or should I eat something to increase baby weight

the weight is fine. mine last check up 36w baby 2.6kg. deliver 40w1d 3.25kg. luckily not that big. some more not easy to deliver big baby.
yes.. its very very fine.. my baby was only 1.95kg @33 weeks.. yours is much more better..
Mine is 2.7kg at 38 long as doc said ok then hopefully nothing to worry ☺️
It's an ideal weight because for full term baby healthy weight is atleast 2.6-2.8 kg.
its more than fine.. haha.. mine was same with u n the baby came out with 3.07kg..
sama macam sy.. tapi doc cakap baby besar dari biasa.. so no need to worry..
no need.. it to hard delivered big baby 😂😂😂
Its fine mummy. As long as ur baby more than 2.4kg 😊
Nope. My 1st son born at 38 weeks with 2.9kg weight
It's fine! You don't have to eat more. 😁😁😁