Feels pregnant but negative?
The past 3 days I've been feeling fatigue and the urge to vomit but I tested today it was negative.

On 15th july, i was admitted cause keep vomiting non stop till i nearly fainted, dr test pregnancy, it is negative. He then do ultrasound, then said that there is a small tint thing which might be a kidney stone which then ask me to follow up next month. End of month, 28th july, i missed my menses, so i do pregnancy test again, anddddddd im pregnant😂😂 so the kidney stone is not a stone, its the baby😂😂😂 sometimes, it is too early to check, wait fot ur menses and try again🥰
Read moreMight be too early for test. Did mine on second week of delay
ok tq. will do again after missed period
Check again closer to date of period. :)
When was your last period?
Usually best to test about a week after you miss your period:) nausea and fatigue can point to other medical problems, so do see a doctor if you continue to feel unwell. Take care!