You're going through a rough time. What does your partner do?
You're going through a rough time. What does your partner do?
Voice your Opinion
They are there everytime I need them
They turn their phone off and ignore my call
They tell me it is my problem, so I should fix it
I wouldn't tell them how I was feeling

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lebih suka diam dari share apa² mslh... kalau ckp pun dia x kan fhm... apa yg Sya tgok dia lebih syg dan risaukan anak dlm kandungan Sya... but perasaan Sya dia xpernah nmpk

Suami tu mmg ada.. tp bukan jenis yg memujuk pun.. lagi dia bebel ada.. so jrg la nak cerita masalah kat dia.. boringg...

VIP Member

Lebih selesa tenangkan diri sendir, tapi partner cepat perasan perubahan emosi, so dia tetap akan tahu dan bertanya.

tunggu keadaan relax, suami dah relax baru saya luahkan.. dia okay je

I would go to him only when I’m feeling a lot calmer


Super Mum

My partner is my shoulder to cry on..

Berdiam diri tggu reda baru luah kan

suami sentiasa ada.

He’ll be there