14 Replies
Depends. Reviews and awards are just an indicator that they’re popular or made to meet a certain standard or quality. You need to be able to justify practicality of usage, suitability and budget also as some products are suitable to use for certain skin types or climates, etc.
I prefer to hear it from real reviews than just believing in awards. Even though sometimes reviews can be fake, but awards can be bought too.
just a piece of advice some awards are purchase not really real awards. Will suggest read the review on consumer that really try the product.
Industry awards are good indicators but whether it is suitable for the country climate i am in, how cheap it is sold here, depends
If having won an award equals more pricey, then i would consider other comparable products in terms of quality, etc
I still rank reviews and having tried a sample (and liking it) higher than a product having won an award
Yes. But I will still read up reviews and go see it if it’s expensive
In fact, if my friends with kids using the product then I will consider
Personal preference, reviews, ask other mums :)
Depends. I'd still research the product first.