As parents of newborn babies, what gifts would u like to receive when frens visit you at the hospital or during baby full month event? Need some ideas, thanks in advance ya...

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No.1 - Cash No.2 - Vouchers (Shopping vouchers Ntuc, Takashimaya etc.) No.3 - Diapers (Baby use plenty of these) The rest depend🤪😆

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VIP Member

Cash! But if in item wise, I would prefer to receive diaper! Best is one month supply of newborn diapers!

VIP Member

Easiest is to give cash to defray expenses! Otherwise, diapers and milk are definitely welcome too.

VIP Member

Something fun like a Polaroid camera or a photoshoot package for my new born

Voucher or ang pao, they can use it to buy what they really need or want

Vouchers, esp where there are babies shop like kiddy Palace.

VIP Member

pampers!! hahaha cause newborn need at least 10-11 /day

Cash or vouchers would be the best. More practical!

Cash or vouchers are most practical and welcomed

Angpao, diapers, wet tissue, chicken essence..