Crying Hysterically For Milk
Hi Parents, My Lo Is 18 Months Old And Since young she has been crying hysterically for milk in the middle of the night. Is it normal for babies/toddler to cry hysterically or they should give cues or ask for milk? TIA!
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My baby is 20mths and still cries for milk. Not every night. More like alternate nights. Some nights she'll just sleep the whole night without milk if she's so tired from playing the whole day or if we've been out the whole day.
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18 months is quite big to be still asking for milk in the middle if the night. Best to consult a pediatrician
She's drinking very little milk for last feed. Only 100ml. We tried giving her more but she just wouldn't finish. Therefore I guess that's the reason why she's waking up for milk.
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