3 Replies

Nah, I let my baby “sit” with all the pillow tucked around and securing her as well (but not too long), my LO is 2 and still alive and kicking, runs very now. I would probably just say ok then do my own way (and also not share anymore videos apart from those normal lying down laughing videos - I am petty after I became a mum 😌). Cause from their POV they are just worried so I wouldn’t bother too much on what they said.

I am all for going with baby's cues. if baby looks ready for it, nothing wrong with trying it. if your baby is hurt your baby will communicate to you by fussing or crying. idk why your in-laws think baby is not ready.... who are they, doctors? infant/toddler experts?? just do what you feel is right. baby is not crying that means you're not hurting him. if baby can balance, means baby's body is ready

Lol standard old people thinking. Always like that. Theyre stuck at their “old times”. Whatever we do always wrong. If baby doesnt cry means theyre comfortable and not hurt. Plus youre not forcing him, toure just assisting and encouraging him. Even when my baby at 2 months i sometimes jokingly sit him assisted.

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