
Im very worried abt my son's development. He's 6 months and he cant sit without me supporting him. When he stand while i support him, no trouble at all. He's able to hold his head up but whenever i try to get him to sit, he will fall infront.

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Mine too is 6 months and still can’t sit unsupported while my niece can already sit unsupported when she’s 5 months. Of course it’s hard not to compare as they both are only one month apart in terms of age. The milestones development chart/ checklist for a typical 6 months old baby on this app is also not helping as my baby has yet to reach the various milestones (e.g. crawling, etc). I guess what we can do is to let our baby practise sitting down by pulling their hands up to sit down position from lying down, as suggested by Cherlyn here 😃

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Super Mum

Hi dear, no need to worry. Different babies develop along different timelines:) for now, continue tummy time to let him try to get up from his tummy to the sitting position and stay there. Also help him get into the tripod position and balance on his own, and once he’s able to, gradually remove the hands one at a time

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5y ago

Picture from google images, not mine

Hmmm. 6 months old is still too early to get worried about him being able to sit without support. I know we can only let baby to sit at 6 months old. But all babies develop at different pace. Just highlight anything when he goes for his development checkup.

do not refer to tt milestone what baby is suppose to do when they reach a certain age. tt is a guide only. my boys is currently at 6months plus and unable to sit on their own without support too.

Hi nothing to worry about. Mine is 6 months now, cant crawl and sit. Relax mom! As long as they are healthy and happy, plus want to drink milk, i feel contented already, haha

Hey, There is nothing to worry about. Every child's development pace is different, Also, bring this to the PD's attention as well during your next visit


My boy is 6months + unable to sit independently also. Not to worry, every baby is unique. If u really concern, talk to PD.

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Nothing to worry about. Usually baby sit without support at about 7 or 8months. But again, every kids is different.

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As long as the doctor didn’t say anything during the check up (for their growth) I think it’s alright

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I think it's fine... You may want to check with the pediatrician during your next visit