What is the ideal baby formula brand out there for 7months plus baby? Now slowly letting my son to try friso stage 2. Whats the difference between the many brands out there?

My boy was on partial Enfa FM when he was 9 mths old. I chose Enfa due to the high DHA and various nutrients. You can google to check on the different level of nutrients for each FM and decide from there. Also, some baby rej certain FM or are allergy to certain nutrients hence they can only take certain brand.
Read moreWe give our little one Dumex Mamil Gold. Don't think there is a best formula per se, really depends on what suits your baby. If you are still confused by the many options available, talk with your baby's doctor. He'll consider your baby's health, age, and nutritional needs and make an appropriate recommendation.
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I would say all brands are the same . In Singapore, all formula milk will have to go through tests before they can be on the shelf. Both my kids are also on Friso, my eldest isin Pri 6 now and still taking Friso 4. I can say, she's growing well, and slightly taller than her classmates.
I also give my baby boy friso, I personally feel that it was easy to dissolve and it don't cause him any constipation so far. Infact my baby son growth rate for height and weight is 90% thus I never think of changing to others brand since he was fine with it.
My friend's son takes Aptamil Gold + AllerPro because of his allergies. I heard it's quite hard to locate this formula in Singapore so his father (who travels alot for work) would stock up whenever he can when he is in Australia/New Zealand.

I believe every different milk powder benefit the babe. but the key word is are our baby able to accept the milk / taste . or some baby might have constipation. . my both kids are on friso . they both like it and will just stay with friso .
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Guess there's no ideal fm. It's more of whether it's suitable for your LO. I started with friso and find it thick and strong smell. Switch to dumex. I find its mild and my LO pee more than when she is on friso.
To me, formula milk is all about the same. How many of us understands the exact ingredients. Also, they are overpriced. More importantly is if the milk suits baby and also financially ablte to sustain.
My bb is taking similac due to the high DHA. N since he has no problem with that we just carry on. But I would say there is no 1 fm which is gd n suitable for every baby