Intercourse after postpartum
Hi parents, how long before you guys had successful intercourse? Also, how was the experience like for you ladies and any advises other than lube? Been attempting after 2 months post partum but very afraid of possible pain :( thank you in advance for the advise.

different body responds differently. i had intercourse 2 and half months after postpartum, the first one was awkward but it got better during the 2nd and it got way better after the 3rd. i did not use lube cos i dont wanna be dependant on it. take it slow!
I tried after 1month. Phew it was abit painful!! I wasn’t really enjoying it but the subsequent ones were almost same like pre pregnancy. And the interval are just like every 3days apart.
Use tube is btr. Slowly attempt slowly. I finally accept it after 6 mths.