19 Balas

i suggest beli thermometer. so bila rasa badan panas, cepat2 cek suhu. jika suhu tinggi, cepat2 jumpa doc. Doc memang akan bagi ubat yang selamat untuk ibu mengandung. Don't worry. just makan ubat bila rasa demam. kalau dah rasa ok, just stop. Minum banyak air ya dear. ☺

Paracetamol is the safest antipyretic n pain killer for pregnancy. If u caught by fever pls control ur body temp by taking pcm n take bath.. But, u still hve to consult with ur gyne especially if u hv any other health prob.. ✌️😊

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I heard that medicine should be avoided during pregnancy as it is not good for the baby. And usually fever will pass after a good rest, there are no need for medicine.

klau demam.. nk mkn panadol doc bgi tu boleh je, klau mkn panadol aktif fast tu... sebiji tu belah tu... mkn sebelah je

if suggested by dr that should be okay . thats why must tell to dr that youre pregnant

Please do take paracetamol to control ur fever. If not,may harm ur baby 🤞🏻

pastikan demam cepat sembuh.baby blh effect bila mummy demam masa pregnant

Doc ckp panadol ada lah ubat yg selamat utk pregnant mommy

Selamat je,,doc kata tu je ubt safe untuk preggy mommy

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