is it okay for LO to suck pacificer after fallen asleep? I tried to pull it out, I can feel that my LO is still sucking on it.. at times, he will wake up after I successfully pull the pacifier out.. most days, I will just let him suck till he himself spit out the pacificer.. which take hours after he had fallen asleep..

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At nights, my girl suck pacifier to sleep, i will wait once she is deeply asleep than try to take out, and if she is fine and continue sleep, than i will not put back. So she will not be too relay on pacifier and wean off easily. (Depend how you think on pacifier, as i wean her off at 10 months when she can fall asleep after milk bottle. But again, she relay on sucking the milk bottle to sleep, when she drink finish she will fall asleep is a good thing but when she awake, she keep biting the milk bottle become another process to wean her off the habit again.) One thing good about pacifier is it help to drag feeding during night times, sometimes baby is looking for comfort only and they are not hungry, if they are hungry, you give pacifier also useless.

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I have read that pacifier could help the baby self soothe himself/herself back to sleep. Hence, I think it is a good thing and you need not be too concerned about it. My friend's baby would cry when he/she wakes up in the middle of the night and realised that her pacifier has fell out. Once, she found it and popped it right back and went back to sleep all by herself. Other times, she would cry till it is back in her mouth. But my friend found that it is much easier (with the pacifier) to get her back to sleep as she need not pick her baby up to soothe or comfort her.

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Pacifier is better than the thumb and if a pacifier soothes him and gives you better sleep, then that's good :-) Have you tried taking the pacifier out gradually after he has fallen asleep? Like first few days, let him spit it out himself. Then reduce it to 3 hours, then 2 then 1. My 3 year old loves his pacifier. But now, we only let him use it for his naps in the afternoons. He used to have it in the evenings as well but we take it out once he has fallen asleep. I did the gradual taking out method and it worked for him.

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Personally, i feel it's okay to let them suck on it. i read that sucking on pacifirt while they sleep decrease their risk of SIDS and babies will self soothe. The theory is the constant sucking motion stimulates them enough to prevent them from not breathing. My Pd likes them for that reason but for 1 year old or older, she makes me take away since its harder to take away as they grow older.

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Pacifier can soothe the baby and provide him with more security. I allow my LO to suck before his sleep and it is evident that he reduces the duration as he grows older. right now my lo is 11mths and he once he falls into deep sleep he will spit the Pacifier. just dont make it a habit to suck during active play time as he may gets over reliant and may affect his teething process.

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Personally I feel that it is okay to let LO have his pacifier. Don't worry about him/her having it till he/she is big. They will usually wean off by him/herself In this way, you may be getting more sleep unlike me cos my baby doesn't 1 pacifier at all.

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i find it ok. pacific can help to soothe my baby. as I just let him suck till he deeply fall a sleep and he own self spit it out. for me pacific is better then thumb sucking .

I feel it is ok as my 3 kids does the same. To me, if they r on pacifier, easier to handle. Unlike my #4, doesn't 1 pacifier and i had a hard time making him sleep.

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How old is ur baby ? During months age, it's ok. But after One year age, it's better not to suck the pacifier. Otherwise it becomes a habit & very difficult to change it.